Saturday, April 9, 2011

Budget - Schmudget...

I have been watching the news reports this week – with some angst, I must say – about the Budget Meetings and the possible “shut-down of the government”. The entire juggling process is very frustrating to me as I watch two groups of children fighting on the playground.

Unfortunately, “the playground” is our country and the children are our Senators and Representatives – elected officials whose responsibility it is to govern our country and keep it safe.

Late last night, news reports heralded the resolution as “historic” and “epic” while they were finally able to “trim $38.5 billion in spending”. Really? That is what all of this was about?

The initial Obama proposed budget was to be about $3.7 TRILLION dollars…so, this “historic” and “epic” reduction amounted to a little more than a 1% cut in spending?

Tell me…what if your spouse walked into the kitchen and proclaimed that he/she was going to shut down the entire household unless you were able to shave your spending by 1 penny out of every single dollar spent??

Just how ridiculous is this??

Budget, Schmudget….what you just witnessed had very little to do with the Federal Budget Process. It was the very first round of escapades associated with the 2012 Election Year process.

Bring on the bashing commercials! They will begin soon!


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