Monday, August 30, 2010

The Dangerous Allure of a Clean Slate

A new report in the Wall Street Journal finds that as the economic recession squeezed consumers, credit card companies, who usually do the squeezing, are getting squeezed a bit themselves. As a result, credit card companies are more willing now to settle consumer’s credit debt for a percentage of the actual debt, spurring many consumers to hire debt settlement companies to negotiate a lower comprehensive payment with their credit card firms.

In fact, the U.S. Consumer Study on Debt reveals that 5.13 million consumers have enrolled in such services, and The Association of Settlement Companies reported their industry helped settle more than $1 billion in consumer debt last year.

As I read these statistics and information, I wondered to myself how many of these families have REALLY made a decision to change the way that they handle their finances. The allure of settling debt for a lower amount or filing bankruptcy to erase past debts is enticing and can provide a tremendous sense of relief –- a clean slate, a do-over, a way to start fresh. All of these things sound great, but this will only be accomplished if you make a commitment to handle things differently the next time around.

As you contemplate the possibility of bankruptcy or debt settlement, I urge you to consider an alternative. Why? Because, the allure of a clean slate can be dangerous! If you are not committed to changing your habits of creating overwhelming debt, you will fall right back into the same trap again. I promise you that it will take some extra effort but, well worth it as you dig yourself out of the mess that you have created.

Look at the possibility of creating a real working lifestyle budget and sticking to the plan of attack. The Compass Project offers a program that will hold your family accountable to a budget -– one that YOU create, not us! You make the budget, and we help you stick to it.

Sound like a good alternative? Contact us today for a Free One Hour Consultation.

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