Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Could You Do?

What could you do if you didn't have any monthly payments? What if all of your monthly obligations were gone? All paid for! What if the only bills that you received each month were for for your utilities, cable tv and your cell phones? What would that feel like?

As Americans, we usually determine if we can afford something based upon the payment amount instead of the purchase price. We see if we can work that monthly payment into our "already tight" checkbook and see if we can make it work. We normally celebrate a $200 per month raise with a new $300 per month car payment!

My challenge to you is to see if you can go crazy for a while....I mean totally insane! Bust it! Be extra weird and do WHATEVER is necessary to eliminate your debt. Quit spending money and putting more on your credit cards and do EVERYTHING possible to eliminate all of your existing debt! Sell all of the junk you have in the basement! Dave Ramsey says, "Sell so much stuff that the kids think they are next!" What if you spent the next 12 months "busting it" and putting every extra dime toward your credit card payments, your car notes and your home equity line?? Buy a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter instead of hitting Applebee's for dinner...

I guarantee you that it will not be a fun 12 months but it could COMPLETELY change your life!

What could you do if you didn't have any monthly payments? Almost anything you want!

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